Mental Toughness in Sport

Mental Toughness in Sport
Mental toughness is what separates the superstar from the merely good. Someone without mental toughness can have all the natural talents or ability and not make it as far as someone with mental toughness with average ability.

Mental toughness comes down to your habits and your habits are up to you. Remember that mental toughness in sport is about winning the small battles each day. You can’t expect to be mentally tough in championship moments, if you are not working on stretching your mental toughness muscle behind the scenes.
Mental toughness is what separates the superstar from the merely good. Someone without mental toughness can have all the natural talents or ability and not make it as far as someone with mental toughness with average ability.
The key to mental toughness in sport is applying consistently the traits of self motivation, positive attitude, emotional self control, calmness under fire, and being energetic and ready for action. Consistency is important. Through applying these traits day in and day out, you will be able to reach new heights in whatever endeavors you seek.
Talent without mental toughness training can be average when it comes to consistent performance… But average talent with mental toughness makes good athletes accomplish great things.
Mentally tough athletes :
1. Find a way, not an excuse – Mentally tough athletes don’t make excuses when things don’t go their way. Instead of playing the blame game, they take responsibility for their performance, go back to the drawing board, right the ship and try again.
2. Adapt – Instead of doing things the way they always have, mentally tough athletes find new ways of challenging themselves, pushing themselves to outer limits of their potential. Mentally tough athletes understand what they did yesterday got them to where they are today… but more is required today to get them to where they want to be tomorrow.
3. Expend their energy on things that benefit performance – Mentally tough athletes focus on the things they can control. Mentally tough athletes don’t dwell on the past or feel sorry for themselves nor do they concern themselves with distractions outside of their direct control. Mentally tough athletes focus on what they can do in the present moment to overcome the challenges of performance and give them the best opportunity to succeed.
4. See the past as valuable informative lessons and nothing more – Mentally tough athletes learn from their mistakes and the mistakes of others, then they let go of the past and move forward. These athletes see the past as mental training for better performance in the future. Mistakes, errors and losses don’t define mentally tough athletes, these experiences strengthen their resolve.
5. Take risks – Mentally tough athletes understand that fear of failure prevents fully committing to and achieving excellence in their sport. They seek out opportunities to move out of their comfort zone. They meet challenges with enthusiasm instead of dread and anxiety. They refuse to be average and understand they may miss the mark on occasions, but it is worth taking the chance in order to achieve great things.
6. Remain persistent despite of failure –Mentally tough athletes are never defeated by failure. Mentally tough athletes understand that failure is another step in the journey towards accomplishment. These athletes have the mindset that failure is not final and never quit pursuing their objectives.
7. Pursue excellence, not perfection – Mentally tough athletes have a goal, but their focus is on the steps they need to take to get to that goal. They understand that optimal performance is a marathon, not a sprint. Each step along the way moves them closer toward the ultimate goal. They are not embarrassed by mistakes, do not try to be perfect, push themselves to the max and seek daily improvement. Mentally tough athletes understand they will make mistakes along the way and these mistakes are both necessary and critical turning points in their journey towards excellence.
8. Concern themselves with their talents and abilities – Mentally tough athletes don’t try to please others, nor do they resent the success of other athletes. They focus on themselves, their talents, improving themselves, implementing their game plan and achieving the goals they set for themselves.
9. In other words, talent can be over-rated. You can find thousands of talented athletes who never achieve greatness in their sport. As a matter of fact, 75% off all teen athletes and young children drop out of sports–not because of a lack of talent–but because they lose the fun in sports and lack the mental toughness to compete at higher levels.
Talent without mental toughness training can be average when it comes to consistent performance… But average talent with mental toughness makes good athletes accomplish great things.